Course Content
Welcome to the Empowered Body Program(EBP)
Week 1 EBP: Holistic Lifestyle
Week 2 EBP: Holistic Fitness
Week 3 EBP: Spine lower to mid thoracic - ELDOA'S
Week 4 EBP: Spine Mid thoracic to cervical(neck) - ELDOA'S
Week 5 EBP: The Pelvis
Week 6 EBP: The Pelvis & Thoracic Diaphragm
Week 7 EBP: Core Abs & Back
Week 8 EBP: Core - Pec Lats, Bicep, Tricep, Shoulders and Inter-Scapular
Week 9 EBP: Shoulders & Lower Limb
Week 10 EBP: Lower Limb 2
Week 11 EBP: Global Integration Strengthening
Week 12 EBP: Global Integration Strengthening & Stretching
Week 13 EBP: Global Postural Stretching
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