The middle delts main job is to hold your arm up because gravity is constantly trying to pull it down. Having weak delt is one of the main reasons people have shoulder pain because if it is not strong enough the supraspinatus and bicep ligament are put under to much strain and over time end up tearing.
And because the shoulder girdle is dependent on all the soft tissue elements being in place and having enough strength and flexibility to function correctly, doing this exercises and MFS will go a long way in keeping you strong, mobile, energetic, and out of pain.
Parameters MFS:
- Tension in the neck is normal as it is part of the chain.
- If you get tingling anywhere in that area back off in intensity a bit till it loosens up.
- Do 3 X 30 Seconds Each side
- Factors of progression: externally rotating your arm and pushing down to the ground, tucking your pelvis and getting tall, bending and turning your head away from the working side.