If you are not able to naturally keep yourself within your gravity line then there is no way you will be balanced , you will have pain, not be able to move properly and use a lot of unnecessary energy just to complete your day.
To have an efficient gravity line means that your feet, spine, eyes and TMJ are all working doing their jobs and communicating to you bran proper posture. These areas all need their own training to be efficient, but all will use the gravity line squat in conjunction.
The gravity line squat uses all these aspects in a global movement so that they all start working together. This is why the squat is the most important global exercises there is and why it is in your foundational program.
*** Use this as its own workout!!!*** Do 3 sets for as many as you can (resting between time worked to double time worked) and then end with the “MFS Deep Glute Max,””MFS Rec Fem,” and “L5-S1 ELDOA.”
- 3 X 50 Reps
- Start the movement down by pushing your knees forwarded leaning your upper body forward the same amount.
- Slide your weight back toward the back outside part of your heals.
- Only go as far as your thighs parallel to the ground and then push back up from your heals to stand back up.
- If you can’t go as far as your thighs parallel to floor use a bench to sit towards