“For two decades I maintained a committed Hatha Yoga practice which ultimately led to issues causing severe back pain. I was dealing with this pain for a solid two years before I found SolCore. Given that my yoga practice was at least in part the cause of my problems, I tried everything but yoga to cure it: rolfing, chiropractic, acupuncture, diet modification. It was undoubtedly Ekemba and the SolCore method that finally broke my cycle of looking for something that helped long term. My biggest hurdle was really just finding the right method. The things I tried gave me temporary relief but didn’t provide the lifestyle change- the change of incorporating a truly effective, anatomically aware method- into my daily life. A trusted friend of mine, who had also tried literally every method for their pain, told me Ekemba was the absolute best and urged me to try out SolCore. There is nothing easy about the process, but Ekemba is extremely precise and attentive and there is no room for cheating. It is a fascinating method because it is accessible to everyone- I could see any age and any fitness level benefitting- and at the same time there is always more precision, alignment and growth potential. Nothing worth it is ever “easy” and the more committed to SolCore, and the difficulty of making an effort I have been, the better my body and life is. My back pain eased by a solid 80%. I can’t even express what that feels like because it is so profound. My pain is mostly gone which improved my daily experience by leaps and bounds. It has been difficult to accept that I can’t practice yoga in the same way I once had, but that is a good lesson because I now have a mentor whom I trust and respect 100%. Ekemba is learned, and kind and committed and I know I will never get hurt at SolCore- which should be a given, but with the abundance of methods and teachers out there, it is not.”