Maybe it’s human nature to want the “quick fix” to the problem.
For example, I meet people all the time who want me to “fix them.” This is usually something that they have ignored or taken the wrong actions toward fixing and now it 10-30 years later.
Expecting a quick fix is what got them in trouble in the first place.
If you want total, lasting transformation, then the solution is adopting smaller, sustainable, holistic treatments, stretches, and exercises to re-educate your body instead of only looking to improve one aspect.
✅ Assess what is going on with your whole being
✅ Choose 5-15 min of a program that is going to move you forward
✅ Allow the routine to tell you where you need more “love.’ then add 1 more
✅ RInce and repeat
People already know this and get frustrated or bored sometimes when I repeat it. But that just means the challenge is in their attitude and actions.
You must love using small challenges and feeling yourself grow and improve.
We’re discussing developing a sustainable holistic program that empowers you, not correcting one thing and thinking, “You’re good.”.
We’re talking about making the next, right choice as often as possible – and not beating ourselves up when we don’t hit the mark.
We’re talking about health for life, not weight loss for a short-term goal.
Chasing instant gratification won’t get you where you want to go. It’s frustrating and makes you feel bad about yourself.
Choose to feel good about yourself today and well into the future.
Gaze at the horizon, not the next intersection, and see what you need to keep moving toward it.
Move better, reduce pain & live life on your own terms
It’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
Find out more @
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