SolCore Fitness’s Group Exercise Classes in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Are Not Your Traditional Exercises Classes Found In Gyms.
Ekemba Sooh has personally designed these group classes to address strength, flexibility, balance, and cardio. These aren’t the group classes you may know. These are personalized and specific. SolCore Fitness is your best choice if you’re looking to build a solid body foundation.
Group Exercise classes are a popular way for people to address their health and fitness. People report feeling more motivated when they can work out with others reaching for similar goals. These group classes are full-body workouts that strengthen you from the inside out, leaving your body balanced, aware, and strong. They utilize tools such as myofascial stretching, ELDOA, proprioception and awareness (balance), GPS (global postural stretching), Cardio and circulatory exercises & primal movement exercises to awaken, balance, and open up your body. These group exercise classes in Santa Fe are challenging but also conform to every skill level. Plus, you will still get the benefits and expertise of a personal trainer by meeting individually with our Health and Fitness Practitioners to track your progress and address any questions or needs that you may have. You will also get personalized attention during class as it is very important that you do the program correctly.
Group training in Santa Fe consists of 5+ people, all going through the same structured program that uses exercises and stretches, which are the foundation of the body and should be in an exercise program. The exercises and stretches are challenging, but the program is manageable and designed to be safe and progressive. These classes will complement your individual or semi-private personal training or can be beneficial on their own. You can be confident that you are getting a well-rounded 100% guaranteed fitness routine based upon a scientific foundation with proven results.
- Improve posture
- Less back, neck, hip/pelvis, and knee pain
- More freedom, mobility, and awareness within your body
- Decrease stiffness
- Strengthening
- Increased cardio, respiratory & circulatory
- Decrease wear and tear on joints
- More relaxed body (better sleep!)
- Improve mood and confidence
- Stability& Balance
General Class times:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8am
Tuesday, Thursday 5:30 pm
Saturday 9am
***Please see the Google Calendar below for a “live” view of our schedule.***
Join us for our free ELDOA class last Saturday of every month at 10am.
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Move better, reduce pain & live life on your own terms