We all interpret happiness through our own experiences. It can look completely different from one person to another. There is a common activity that can profoundly affect the level of every human’s level of happiness. This activity is called exercise.

Exercise produces euphoric chemicals and hormones in the human brain like endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. Not only does exercise heighten our “feel good” chemical experiences, it also lowers our stress chemicals like cortisol, and adrenaline.
The holidays are just up the street. This is the time of year that separates those who are serious and those who are not. Those who are serious about their workout routines commonly share enjoyment in their active lifestyle. I’m writing this article to share with you 3 things that will help you maintain a successful workout routine all year round and enjoy it.

Start with finding your why. Having a superseding motivational factor will be powerful on the days you don’t feel like pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and doing what you know you need to do. Always reflect on your why. I recommend writing it down and reading it every day. Remind yourself why it is so important for you to show up today.

Hard work itself can be rewarding, but its still hard work. Discover what satiates you. Maybe it’s an evening at your favorite restaurant or a trip to your favorite clothing store. When you work hard and achieve your goals, give yourself a break and let your body and brain know it’s done a good job. You will be more likely to return refreshed for another week of progressive workout.

Don’t give up. Remember your why, be diligent in your reward system. This is very important in sustaining an enjoyable workout routine.
Those who enjoy their lifestyle are serious about their routines. Do you want to feel the best you’ve ever felt? performed the best you’ve ever performed? then what are you waiting for. Ride into the new year with a passionate momentum. Everybody knows that waiting until after the new year to begin a routine is just an excuse to procrastinate. Take this time before the holidays to start or recommit yourself to a workout routine. If you have any questions about getting started or how to improve your workout routine, I am always available to help.

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