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Exercise Program
Don’t Get Down On Yourself When Your Workouts Are Constantly Difficult.

Progressive: happening or developing gradually or in stages, proceeding step by step.
Resistance: the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.
The confusion on why workouts are always hard
“Progressive resistance” is a fundamental concept in the fitness field. It merely means that you need to do an activity that challenges your current state, and when you can do more, you do. This is the only way that you will continually improve. To give you an example, when you read “Where the Wild Things Are “(Love this book!) when you were a child, it challenged your reading, comprehension, and imagination. But to read it now as an adult would not challenge you at all. It would be fun to reminisce, but defiantly not challenging. To get better at reading, you have to read more challenging books.
But often awareness is lost when it comes to people’s workout routines. Many people come up to me and say with some frustration that they thought after X amount of time, it would become easy. What?!
The reason why workouts have to always be challenging
I let them know that my first job is to provide treatments and exercises that don’t hurt the body and help you improve. My second job IS TO CHALLENGE YOU while providing support. 😉
Take a gander at the definitions above. Progressive happens gradually and slowly. Resistance is done with action. I know your ego says differently, and the health and fitness marketing machine leads you to believe that it magically happens in 4 weeks, but that ain’t life toots!
The solution on how to get through challenging workouts
To cure for this is, to begin with, acceptance. Accept where you are starting from. Accept the present moment during your workout and the challenges that are inherently there. This acceptance will allow you to first not fight against your current state and allow more progress, and it will also open space within you to realize the progress you are making.
There is no static in this life. You either slide backward or move forward. And moving forward requires you to work with progressive resistance to teach your body, mind, and spirit where you want to go.
it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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Just Running Doesn’t Get Your Legs Strong.

The Common Myth Of Running
I recently talked to somebody during a free consult, going over his goals, and he mentioned that he was good with his legs as he ran and hiked. Many people have the mistaken idea that running and hiking will get you strong legs. You see, the body will respond to the different directions that you move and the various ways you load it. To keep it simple: running uses one way of moving and one way of loading your body. This will lead to not fully training your body, overuse injuries, and eventually other injuries. If your goal is to fully prepare your body for a long and healthy life, you have to hit your body in many different ways.
What General Exercise Running Is
Let’s go over the above example and show you how. I am going to keep it simple, so all you nitpickers chill homie. Running is a global move done mainly in two planes of motion and can be done for endurance, some strength, and power. This means it incorporates all the body to move in one of the three planes of motion and 3 of the 6 bio-motor abilities (body actions).
Because it is global, it doesn’t target each muscle because to do so takes training that muscle segments and focusing on it. This is important. Because your body moves as one and because you are only as strong as your weakest link, if you have a weak or tight segment, it will compromise the entire movement and hence your whole body. To prevent this requires segmental strengthening and myofascial stretching of the muscles you need and then incorporating them together.
Running, walking hiking is mainly working in the sagittal plane and transverse plane but in only one type of activity. There are three central planes of motion and a tone of combinations. There are also 7 major primal moves, and your legs are used in 4, but this doesn’t count when you work the primal movements together. This is important because if you don’t work with all the available plains of motion and primal moves, you will be off-balance and increase (in a bad way) the gradient of strength between the weak muscles and strong muscles.
Check out the basic pics below of just the legs. They don’t show all the muscles of the legs nor the different directions each muscle can move, but we’re keeping it basic.
And finally, people generally do distance running, and that type of loading will mainly give you endurance and some strength. To get more complete strength, speed and power, different types of running speeds and different activities and intensities need to happen.
All these aspects need to be considered when thinking about “training your legs” or whatever area you desire. And the above list is not exhaustive. There is also proprioception work, circulatory work, respiratory work, and oh yeah, THE REST OF YOUR BODY.
I know this is a lot and is only slightly less confusing than the number of galaxies in the constantly expanding and contracting universe, but that is why you ask for help.
If you are interested in a free consult and want to talk to little (I’m not little) ole me, then use the link below. I will expound on this or any topic that you need to help make your program more well-rounded and hence better for keeping or getting your body in a place where it can keep up with the life you want to live. All I ask is to let me ask you a couple of questions to better understand my audience, exactly like a conversation.
This offer is limited, so if you are even thinking about it, book now. Have a great day!
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it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.

A Trial Without Any Commitment
It is so easy to give up on our goals when they don’t give us immediate results.

It is so easy to give up on our goals when they don’t give us immediate results.
We have motivation. We “do what we’re told,” but our body still isn’t to our liking and is holding us back from our life.
And so we get frustrated and either get mad at ourselves, react and jump to something different, or just stop altogether.
The world we live in today is fast, which translates to us wanting immediate satisfaction.
Quick Fixes Don’t Work
But the dark side behind those “magic buttons,” “get rich quick,” “crash diet” techniques?
They rarely ever work!
One thing I run into with so many of my clients is that they always ask me, “Ekemba, what is the one thing I can do to get some great reward?”
And I think that is one of the most disjointed ideas we have today about what it takes to take care of your body.
Everyone wants to live a good life and have their body not keep them down, but to help propel it.
But there is a big issue with the information that comes out. It’s all disjointed and designed around marketing first, and not about what it really takes.
You see, to really take care of your body, you need to have a plan…
When I began working out, it was for sports. The goal was to get good at the sports I played.
Then afterward, I wanted to lose weight and gain muscle.
Then I HAD to train to correct my injuries and imbalances.
All those programs are different. But we are told that they are all interchangeable and are “tools in our tools box,” and thrown under the guise of “changing it up.” When, in reality, it is tough to fit them together, and takes time for each program to take effect.
Follow The Correct Path For You
It wasn’t until I was forced to take a step back to correct my injuries did I start to study the rules and philosophies designed to have the body function at its best did I see where the health and fitness industry was leading us astray.
It’s easy to feel like you are doing what you are supposed to be doing because you are active, and the workouts that you and everybody are doing make some sense.
But just because some of the information is correct doesn’t mean it is totally correct or totally correct for you.
Because now, the health and fitness industry is such a copycat industry…it’s easy to fall into a rut.
If you don’t really know what you’re doing, or if you’re only reference is that you are moving and working out…
Odds are you aren’t going to really achieve your goals.
Usually, to get that satisfaction that you have achieved what you really want, you have to do what others aren’t.
So that’s why I am building an online program where you can go through step by step and use stretches, exercises, and routines that are scientifically designed to have your body keep up with the life you want to live. These are not just the millions of workouts that you find on youtube.
I am in the preliminary stages and am looking for interviews to help craft all the material I know over the past 25+ years and fashion it into a program that takes you to your goals.
This will allow for a user friendly and effective program.
This will allow YOU to get a free consult from a profession on anything you need.
Just go to the link below and choose a time. If you don’t see one, PM me and well find you one.
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it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.

A Trial Without Any Commitment
The Conundrum Of “Working Out.”

Working out has been beat into our heads as a healthy activity. And since we are responsible adults, we go workout because we feel we need to. It is marketed in different forms, such as “being strong,” “flexible,” “balanced,” etc. etc. etc. And all those things sound good, so we join different activities, gyms, and classes that we are told will get us there.
But so often, we are left wanting with not really feeling like we want to or we get hurt, and the aches and pains don’t go away. It is frustrating because now you feel a little helpless as to what the next step is. This is definitely the feeling I had when I hurt my back. Yeah, the pain was terrible, but it was the frustration that I was doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing and still got really hurt, working out no less. And that feeling of I helpless compounded when all the different accepted popular modalities didn’t work.
Working Out Sometimes Doesn’t Work Out
I felt that I did something wrong (I did) and that it was my fault (not totally). I got bamboozled like most people into thinking if I did “X” workout/exercise because it gave me a “Y” outcome that I would be good. But what I didn’t know was that I was being misled during those years. And because I was functioning at a high level, and I looked the way I wanted (Another issue in hindsight) I had no reason to doubt that what I was doing wasn’t good for me.
It wasn’t until what was supposed to work didn’t do my outlook and paradigm crack. That “crack” led to feelings of helplessness and frustration but also to a deep quest to figure out why it didn’t work and what to do about it. This is how I came across the science and philosophy of osteopathy and how to honestly train/treat your body holistically.
Because unless you are an athlete whose sole goal is to win and improve their sport, you work out because you want a good and fulfilling life. Whatever your goals in life are, they will be accessible only if you put yourself in the best possible position to achieve them. It doesn’t matter if it’s just to be there for your friends and family or save the world how balanced, strong, and functioning your body is will either enhance or detract from your desired life.

A Trial Without Any Commitment
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it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.